Oh my, it's been a while.

Well hello there :) Yes, I know, it's been AGES but there's been stuff going on and I just haven't had the time/forgot to update.... I apologise sincerely.

Anyway, I recently went shopping, and I thought I'd share my purchases, as always. So I went to Topshop and bought a white crop top and a beaded cami that I thought would both go really well with my new black disco pants I got from American Apparel (I gave in to the temptation.... SUE ME.):

I also went to good ol' UO and bought a pair of wine-coloured, high-waisted shorts, and a HAT. FINALLY. A HAT. :D :

Again, maybe I'll post some pictures with these items in, but I'm not making any promises, since I never seem to pull through with them... Oops.

I also cleared out my closet - it was hard to throw some things away, but I knew it had to be done. It's actually really nice, now, to look into my closet and think, 'I can wear all of these things!' instead of 'Nah, not that... or that....' if you kinda get what I mean... no? okay...

Anyways, speak soon :)


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