So when I said I'll put up the pictures soon, I meant within-the-next-few-minutes soon. Yeah, I'm prompt like dat.
These are actually still images of a moving film projected over Helena's face. I think it looks pretty coooool...
(^ I changed the colour of her eyes in this one from brown to green - I've always thought piercing green eyes are beautiful - even though she doesn't need it... *mumble stupid pretty biatch mumble*)
Hope you like these!
I'll be uploading more stuff tomorrow as I'm doing another bout of filming for my exam on Monday in which I'm editing the whole thing. I'll probably post the end result on YouTube and then link it back here.
Oh, and I had my Spanish oral exam today. Kinda flopped, not gonna lie, but I'm hoping for the best. *fingers crossed*
Shine, my lovelies, shine. ∆